Chupurnov Valeriy
jQuery plugin for date, time, or datetime manipulation in form
Nicolas Gryman
jQuery Finger unifies click and touch events by removing the 300ms delay on touch devices. It also provide a common set of events to handle basic gestures such as drag and pinch. Small (< 1kb gzipped), it is focused on performance, is well tested and ... also supports jQuery delegated events.
Caleb Evans
jCanvas brings jQuery's powerful syntax and capability to the HTML5 canvas. Quickly create canvas-based apps that can utilize layers, animations, events, and much more. jCanvas works on all modern browsers and platforms, including iOS and Android.
MatÃas Gagliano
Allow users to crop images within an area (fully responsive). Supports dragging (touch support), zoom and rotation.
Jonathan Wilsson
A highly customizable slider which allows you to slide any kind of content such as HTML, images or YouTube clips.
jQuery Pointer and Touch Events
Timmy Willison
Lift touch and pointer event properties to the jQuery event object
Ben Plum
A jQuery plugin for smooth image exploration. Part of the formstone library.
ABigImage – view big versions of images
Maksim Krylosov
Fit mobile devices. Uses CSS3 transform and transition for smooth touch sliding. Touch slide left or right opens next or previous image, touch slide up or down closes image. Clicking image opens next one, clicking left side opens previous, clicking right side closes image. Hotkeys for next, previous and close buttons. Closing after viewing of all images. Preloading of next and previous images. Uses link's `href` or `data-href` attribute for large images. Fully customizable styles. Customizable bottom area. Customizable `onopen` event.
Chupurnov Valeriy
jQuery plugin select range or single value from period or 2d board. Support touch devices