imgix.js is a javascript library that allows you to easily use the imgix API to make images on your site or app responsive to device size and pixel density. imgix.js allows for intuitive use of imgix features such as text formatting, color palette extraction, color adjustments, effects, and watermarking. imgix.js requires an imgix account to use your own images. Sign up at
Arnaud Leyder
Magneticmediajs is a library that allows media content (images, videos, maps, HTML & more) to be displayed efficiently and with style
Image gallery simplified. Touch enabled, fully responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and it supports cloud storage.
Visual jQuery Lightbox – Beautiful jQuery Lightbox
Visual LightBox is a web photo galleries with a nice Lightbox-style overlay effect. * Cross-browser - works perfectly on all browsers (including IE6) * Responsive - smoothly adapts to any browser resolutions and device screens * Mobile-ready - optimized for Android and iOS devices * Search engine friendly and semantically valid * Unobtrusive - even without Javascript, the images are still accessible * Huge collection of fancy Lightbox themes - see live demos * Keyboard navigation - use left/right arrow key to navigate * Floating and smooth cross-fade transition * Lightweight (12Kb only)
Robert Yao
SimpleCarousel Plugin is a very practical Carousel plug-ins written in jQuery. Used to show a set (list) content of transverse or longitudinal rolling. SimpleCarousel is complete function, browser compatibility, scalability. It can be used for any similar to the Carousel structure of the HTML code.
jQuery Slider – WOW image slider
WOW Slider is a jQuery image slider plugin with fantastic visual effects and beautifully designed themes. Comes with a GUI wizard to create sliders without coding and image editing. Responsive, fully accessible as a pure CSS slider if the Javascript is turned off, touch swipe support, all browsers, all devices, search engine friendly, clean and valid markup.
Matthias Schmidt
jQuery plugin to make use of the full available browser space for enjoyable image viewing. Also supports the native HTML5 fullscreen API in modern browsers.
Robert Yao
EasyCarousel Plugin is a very practical Carousel plug-ins written in jQuery. Used to show a set (list) content of transverse or longitudinal rolling. EasyCarousel complete function, browser compatibility, scalability. It can be used for any similar to the Carousel structure of the HTML code.
Artem Polikarpov
A simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery.
jQuery Slider
Nice image slider created completely with CSS core. It's amazingly fast, lightweight, fluid, and retina-ready. Works on each modern devices and browsers. Smooth Fade, Slick Zoom, KenBurns pan/zoom, Simple Slide effects and a set of flat designs are included.