IconCaptcha : Anti-Bot Icon Captcha with jQuery & PHP
IconCaptcha is a faster and more user-friendly captcha than most other captchas. You no longer have to read any annoying text-images, with IconCaptcha you only have to compare two images and select the image which is only present once.
Television News Ticker with JavaScript & PHP
The Television News Ticker script allows you to generate on your website a news ticker like the ones used by television stations to publish the latest news, election results, sport results, whether warnings,  stock quotes, etc.
Imageless Captcha with JavaScript & PHP
Creates a random number on every page load, based on your preferences. From that number, it creates the number as a phrase. In the form, you use the phrase to ask the user to enter it as a number. When the form is posted, you simply check to see if the user’s answer matches the number.
IntercomSlack : Chat system for Website in jQuery
WP Intercom Slack is a plugin which allow you to chat your customer from Slack. Bring the power of collaborative chat to help your customer.
Premium Stock Market Widgets with jQuery & PHP
Premium Stock Market Widgets is one of the essentials that you will need when starting a new financial blog or putting together a website related to financial markets. If you run a news website or want to display share price of a public company it will be of great help too. The plugin allows to easily add financial data (such as stock, currency, commodity, ETF quotes) to your website by using simple inline PHP snippets injected into HTML code (just like WordPress shortcodes).
Fileuploader : Beautiful and powerful HTML5 File Uploading Tool
Fileuploader is a beautiful and powerful HTML5 file uploading tool. A jQuery and PHP plugin that transforms the standard file input into a revolutionary and fancy field on your page.
Save Multiple Rows of Invoice Data Using PHP & jQuery
In this tutorial we are going to see how to Save Multiple Rows of Invoice Data In MySQL Database Using PHP, jQuery and Bootstrap 3. In previous tutorial we have seen how to dynamically add table rows with text fields using jQuery and PHP.
AJAX Pagination in jQuery, PHP PDO & MySQL
Valli Pandy
Simple Pagination Script using jQuery, AJAX & PHP.
SocialCounters : jQuery plugin to show Social Media fans
jQuery/PHP – Collection of Social Media APIs that display number of your social media fans.
jQuery Time Lapse Painter Plus Editor
Time Lapse Painter product consists of jQuery Time Lapse Painter plugin (TLP plugin) that plays the effect and an editor called Time Lapse Painter Studio (TLP Studio). TLP Studio is the means by which the resources needed for the animation are created and the values to control it are set.